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Frida Calvino

Frida Calvino


I have been practicing yoga for over 10 years now and graduated in 2015 as Yoga Teacher at the Hari Om Yoga School in Sezzadio, Italy which is also my home country. My knowledge touches elements of Hatha Yoga, the soft side of IyengarI with some influences of other styles without being linked to one in particular.

What I like the most is to share what I learn and practice everyday, with other people and learn from them. Even if I am teaching Yoga I consider myself an eternal student as there is no limit to knowledge. I don’t have a definition for my Yoga style and in general, I don’t like labels. I like to think of Yoga as a Fluid movement, a synergy between body and breath, one following the other in pure harmony. I like to think that when we go on the mat we become kids again, we let our fears falling and we try to experiment what makes us feeling good and in peace. And never forgetting to smile.